Joseph Baldwin Academy



Dean, Michelle Wilson

Michelle WilsonThe Dean sets the curriculum, budgeting, selects the faculty/courses, hiring and oversight of all the staff and is ultimately responsible for any student needs.  In addition, the Dean works with the processing of student applications, financial aid, and the selection process.

Prior to coming to the University in 2021, Mrs. Wilson worked with students and families in suburban, urban and rural areas of the greater Kansas City, Missouri area.  In addition, she spent the majority of her summers working with and directing summer youth camping programs and academies.

Dean of JBA/Summer Programs
Assistant Director, The Institute for Academic Outreach

B.S. Human Services, University of Phoenix
M.A. Education and Integrated Learning, Drury University

Director, Allie Wills

Allie Wills

As the Director, Ms. Wills oversees all aspects of the day-to-day operations of the Academy.  This includes supervising all co-curricular JBA activities and creates an atmosphere that is safe, healthy, and fun.  In addition, the Director oversees the activities of the professional staff and Preceptors to ensure that the classes and events operate smoothly.  During training, the Director works with the assistant director and other ProStaff positions to ensure that the Preceptors are fully trained.  The Director reports to the Dean of the Academy.

B.A. in English, Truman State University
M.A.Ed. in Secondary Education, Truman State University

English Educator, Pattonville High School, St. Louis
JBA Assist Director (2023 and 2024)
Residential Living Director (2021 and 2022)
Hospitality Director (2020) Preceptor (2018 & 2019)


Assistant Director, Noah Schleicher

Noah Schleicher

As the Assistant Director, Mr. Schleicher works closely with the Director and supervises the Academy whenever they are unavailable.  The Assistant Director’s primary responsibilities include student behavior, organizing and overseeing check-in and check-out days, assisting with and facilitating Preceptor training, and planning several of the Academy’s weekend activities.

B.S. in Mathematics, Truman State University
M.A.Ed. in Secondary Education, Truman State University

Mathematics Educator, Pembroke Hill High School, Kansas City, MO
ProStaff at Large (2024)
Preceptor Math, Science, and Business courses (2022 and 2023)

Student Support Specialist and Consultant, Samantha Mitchell

Samantha Mitchell

The Student Support Specialist and Consultant works at the academy to promote the wellbeing and diverse needs of JBA students. Before each session, they consult with staff and facilitate trainings. Additionally, they are available via office hours to meet with students individually to support them during their time in the program. Topics of discussion may include, but are not limited to, homesickness, friendships, and coping skills. They are also available in the event of a crisis or emergency situation.

B.A. Business Administration, Truman State University
M.A. School Counseling, Truman State University
Certified School Counselor
Nationally Certified Counselor
K-4 School Counselor, Macon R-1

Student Support Specialist and Consultant, (2024)
Health and Wellness Director, (2020, 2021, and 2022)
Preceptor, (2018 and 2019)


Farida Elkadi, Health and Wellness Director

Farida Elkadi

The Health and Wellness Director oversees the safety and overall health needs of the students, dispensing any necessary medications, providing basic first aid and ensuring that students maintain a healthy lifestyle while at the Academy.  The goal of the Health and Wellness Director is to provide students with the same level of care that they would receive at home from their parents/guardians.  To encourage healthy choices and behaviors, the Health and Wellness Director will often have daily health challenges for students, such as only drinking water for the day, or going to bed earlier, etc.  In addition to the day to day aspects of the role, the Health and Wellness Director will keep parents/guardians informed of any needs that students may have through our health management system, CampDoc, as well as phone and email communications.  The Health & Wellness Director reports to the Director.

B.S. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Truman State University
M.S. Biomdical Sciences (in progress), A.T. Still University

Preceptor (2022 & 2024)


Rowan Burba, Residential Living Director

Rowan Burba

The Residential Living Director is responsible for housing assignments, managing the hall desk, communications with campus dining services, daily living needs of students and staff, and coordinating with the Hospitality and Hall Store Directors.  The Residential Living Director reports to the Director.

This will be Rowan’s fourth year working for the academy which they also attended for three years as a student.  They loved JBA as a student and love it even more as a staff member.

B.A. Psychology (in progress), Truman State University
MAE Elementary Education (in progress), Truman State University

Hospitality Director (2024)
Preceptor (2022 & 2023)


Jacob Edwards, Hospitality Director

Jacob Edwards

The Hospitality Director works in conjunction with the Residential Living Director, providing coverage at any time that they are unavailable. This position works to maintain the day-to-day tasks of living on the university campus, such as mail services and deliveries, ensuring student laundry is scheduled and completed, Ryle Hall and student room cleaning.  The Hospitality Director also assists with academy activities and events. In addition to these duties, the Hospitality Director will also work with the Hall Store Director to ensure items are stocked and as a backup at any time that the Hall Store Director is unavailable. The Hospitality Director reports to the Academy Director.

This will be Jacob’s fifth year working for the Academy.

B.F.A. Creative Writing (2023), Truman State University
MAE Secondary English Education (in progress), Truman State University

Preceptor (2021, 2022, 2023, & 2024)

Hanna Vanourney, Hall Store Director

Hanna Vanourney

The Hall Store Director oversees all aspects of running the JBA Hall Store which is the Hub of all things going on in Ryle Hall.  This position includes the daily operations of the store, such as stocking, sales, inventory/ordering, daily Hall Store Specials, daily reconciliation of the cash and card transactions.  Additionally, the Hall Store is where students may check in and out cleaning supplies, vacuums, games, equipment, pick up paper towels, check lost and found, sign up for different events, etc.   The Hall Store Director works in conjunction with the Residential Living Director, Hospitality Director, and reports directly to the Academy Director.

This will be Hanna’s fifth year working with the Academy.

B.A. French (in progress), Truman State University
MAE Education (in progress), Truman State University

Residential Living Director (2024), Hospitality Director (2023), Preceptor (2022 & 2023)



Eliana Steinman, Communications and Social Media Director

Eliana Steinman


The Communications and Social Media Director is tasked with the Academies social media presence, photography, videography as well as content creation for the academy memory books, photo, and website.  In addition, the Communications and Social Media Director works to provide updates and information through our different social media platforms to provide consistent updates to academy families.  This position is unique as it will also provide content for course videos and information for the following years.  The Social Media Director reports to both the Director and Dean.

This will be Eliana’s third year working with the Academy, which she also attended for two years as a student.

B.A. Communications (in progress), Truman State University
Minor in Spanish (in progress), Truman State University

Preceptor (2023 & 2024)


Zoe Aldrich and Ashish Bhatta, Co-Activities Directors

The Co-Activities Directors, are responsible for planning and supervising the morning, afternoon, and evening activities.  Much of their work includes organizing materials and travel for each activity and training preceptors to work individually with students in a variety of athletic, intellectual, creative, and recreational activities.  The Co-Activities Directors report to the Director.

Zoe Aldrich

Zoe Aldrich
This will be Zoe’s fourth year working for the Academy which she also attended as a student.

B.F.A. Creative Writing (2025), Truman State University
Co-Activities Director (2024)
Preceptor (2022 & 2023)

Former JBA StudentAshish Bhatta

Aashish Bhatta
This will be Ashish’s third year working for the Academy.

B.F.A. Animation and 3D Modeling (in progress), Truman State University
Preceptor (2023 & 2024)





Summer 2024 ProStaff Group Photo Session I

JBA ProStaff Photo











Back Row: Holly Peters, Ian Bolan (floater), Haley Winning (night monitor), Robert Greco Hannah Vannourney, and Allie Wills

Front Row: Zoe Aldrich, Rowan Burba, Michelle Wilson, Nixi Schroeder, and Megan Ford  (Not pictured: Noah Schleicher)


Summer 2024 ProStaff Group Photo Session II

JBA ProStaff 2024 Session II

Back Row: Megan Ford, Noah Schleicher, Umair Iqbal (floater), Hannah Vanourney, Robert Greco, Michelle Wilson

Front Row: Zoe Aldrich, Rowan Burba, Nixi Schroeder, Allie Wills, Holly Peters  (Not pictured: Haley Winning, night monitor)


Preceptors — one to three per class — are current or recently graduated Truman students who assist the faculty in the class room and work with students in their class.  The preceptors live in the residence hall and also assist the Co-Activities Directors’ during the morning, afternoon, and evening activities.

The majority of our preceptors are nominated by a JBA faculty member to assist in their course and are interviewed individually by the Dean and the Director of the Academy.  They must meet certain academic standards, have a heart for middle school age students, and adhere to certain expectations and standards as set by Truman State University and the Institute for Academic Outreach.  Along with a nomination to the position of Preceptor, students must submit an application, state their reason why they are interested in working with JBA, and provide a letter of recommendation from another campus professor to attest to their work ethic and ability to represent Truman in this role.  It is interesting to note that a large number of our preceptors are also Masters in Education students.

Once a position has been offered and accepted by a Preceptor, they have expectations before the beginning of each JBA session:

  • complete a university background check
  • attend the spring orientation session
  • receive certification in CPR/AED and First Aid training, updating as necessary
  • pass a van-driving test administered by Truman’s Department of Public Safety, as well as have a motor vehicle background check to ensure they have no moving violations, to be allowed to assist in transportation of students within campus vehicles
  • meet with their faculty member for course expectations and guidelines to help support the faculty member
  • three days of preparations, orientations, and trainings by the professional staff and campus departments
  • work under their Faculty member for all academic responsibilities
  • work under the Directors for all other duties and expectations

Night Monitor

The Night Monitor is a Truman student who provides awake overnight supervision.  While the students and staff are all asleep, the Night Monitor makes regularly scheduled rounds of each floor and throughout the building to ensure students are in their rooms, sleeping and the building is quiet and safe.  Additionally, the Night Monitor carries the academy phone for students to reach them at anytime a need arises.  Truman State University also has its own Police Department that makes regularly scheduled rounds on campus, who is also available for any emergent needs, should one arise during any time day or night.  The Night Monitor reports to the Director.


The faculty are responsible for their class content, oversight, and coordination with the class Preceptors.  They schedule each day’s academic activities, monitor each student’s progress, assign study hall, supervise the academic duties of preceptors, as well as working in conjunction with the class preceptors to manage class behavior.  Faculty members report directly to the Dean of the Academy.  To review faculty bios, please visit the course pages JBA Courses.

Recent Academy Graduate Feedback: 

  • “Our professor, Dr. Vazzana, was one of the most entertaining and positive teachers that I have ever had.” (Victor, age 15)
  • “She helped me develop my graphic novel creation skills and showed me how to do better.” (Kendall, age 13)
  • “My professor was energetic and helpful whenever we were feeling stuck or tired.” (Andrew, age 13)